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performers walkers / dancers : Lanah Shaï, Gérard Chauvin, Céline Miroite -Fery, Christophe De Oliveira, Magalie

Gerard Chauvin
Device design - Scenario -Installation space and staging
Choice of music
Video and sound and live and delayed
Scenic elements

Lanah Shai
Writing texts
Noises and sounds Music


Work towards recognition uncompromising diversity of the human race and its complexity.

This project tries to highlight the existence of complex and de facto identities the paradoxes which ensue from it in a standardized world. It is

question in this research to defend the liberties face to the globalization and to work at a recognition without compromise of the diversity of the human

genre and its complexity.

In the center of this work video/performance and as subject of inspiration will be outstanding personalities alive freely their difference in various ethnic groups and continents : the Hijras in India and in

Pakistan, Mahu and Raerae in Polynesia, Virgins on oath in Balkans, Katoy in Thailand and

Berdaches to them Amerindians, but also in a form imposed, the Onnagata in Kabuki theater and the Virgins under oath of Balkans.

So many personalities recognized to have known how to prove the possibility of a harmonious fusion of « two spirits » man and woman in the

same body (C.f.. The bispiritualité in the Amerindian culture) and so to find them just places within their community.

Gérard Chauvin April 2015- All rights reserved



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